Gilda Given
27 Feb 2023
If there’s one thing that I have learned in my entire life until now and it served me a purpose is to know and be aware that I am responsible.
I am responsible for anything that ever happened to me, for anything that is ever happening to me, and for everything that will ever happen to my life.
And I think “we” all need to adopt such kind of mindset. Trust me, it’s a beautiful mindset :)
That we are all responsible for the way things are regardless of the situation.
And during the battle with your own mind, you need to stand strongly, affirm and remind yourself that;
- I am responsible for the way I feel, think, and act.
- I hold no one accountable for the way I feel, act or be.
- He/she didn’t stress me. I stressed myself thinking that I can control someone and my thoughts of expectations destroyed me back.
- He/she didn’t hurt me! I hurt myself with the thoughts I hold (things need to happen my way) and an act of unforgiveness towards the person.
- He/she didn’t make me act like this. I have decided and I have the power to change my actions yet I chose not to for some time. Now I can change.
- I decide to act that way and I have the power to act differently. If it disturbs me I will create boundaries and give myself time.
It needs to reach a time when anyone could possibly give us the worst scene or scenario ever and we will surely find a line in it to be positive and responsible about it.
As everything truly happens within us and has been portrayed on the outside through our actions and words. If what is inside us is pure the things out will be pure too and the same applied to the opposite things.
We should never entertain being a victim and we need to discourage saying that “YOU” did this to me — that’s why I am this. It’s a victim mentality and it doesn't give us power. It only disempowers us.
And as human beings — we, need to realize and understand that God gave us the power to turn any situation around and stop acting like victims.
We need to be in control of our own lives.
We need to have a tendency of taking responsibility and not say that it's the other person.
We change ourselves.
It's like me confessing that…
The level of responsibility that I have towards my life is that — even if you kill me right now, I will say “I killed myself”. I am responsible for my own death! 🙂
Trust me, taking responsibility is a true Power.
Gilda Given :)
It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)
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Gilda Given
A lady who chooses to embrace her own nature and devotes herself to serving, inspiring, and transforming others through writing and speaking.
More articles in Self-Growth & Mindfulness series
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