Gilda Given
06 Feb 2023
Let me tell you the truth, dear reader.
Most people are AGAINST themselves.
They don’t believe they are worthy of something unless someone is there to validate them.
They don’t believe they can do something on their own unless someone is there to validate them.
That is why sometimes they come out (feel) depressed or stressed once they miss that approval or validation from others — weeping, they aren’t enough.
We must learn to approve ourselves.
Let me share my philosophy…
I must tell myself that I am smart, fit, intelligent, and beautiful.
…then I find ways to justify whatever image I put on myself.
Why am I confidently saying that?
It’s because I learn to work on myself enough to validate and approve of myself as I know as a human being I am created completely enough by my creator — God.
Trust me, it wasn’t easier yet we need to reach a stage where we would just be okay with ourselves.
We shouldn’t need anyone’s validation neither anyone’s approval.
We need to validate ourselves. We need to approve ourselves.
Even if it happens from our egoic mind — we need to be conscious enough to let approval be part of our wants and not neediness.
To need is to not live without but to want is to learn to live without.
We are of God’s creation.
I am of His masterpiece. You are of His masterpiece.
If an appraisal comes — good, yet it should be an extra.
An additional to that creation.
It shouldn’t be a need. It shouldn’t be a must.
It shouldn’t be a thing that we need to have for us to be able to live that which we believe to be true to ourselves.
To live our dreams. To chase our goals.
Lol! I am such a big kid!
But master this and see how helpful it’s gonna be to you!
It would be best if you approved yourself, dear reader.
You are of God’s creation.
A total masterpiece.
Gilda Given :)
It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)
Let me know in the comment box below yet, if you clap for this article, could sound great too :)
My social media handles: Instagram : Twitter : Youtube feel free to connect with me — like, any time.

Gilda Given
A lady who chooses to embrace her own nature and devotes herself to serving, inspiring, and transforming others through writing and speaking.
More articles in Self-Growth & Mindfulness series
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