I am not a relationship expert yet I got a chance to read a magnificent relationship book written by Beverly Engel and her book opened my mind to the moment I felt that I need to share some important notes with you.
Maybe you are in a relationship or not, but have you ever seen people in an abusive relationship yet they can’t get out of it?
Yes, it happens sometimes, and according to Beverly Engel…
…if you have ever seen someone in an abusive relationship yet can’t get out of it it is because that person is afraid of being alone.
Yes, they are afraid to be alone — unconsciously.
This is the most common reason why people put up with abusive behavior from their partners.
It does happen sometimes whether they are aware of it or not but so many people stay in abusive relationships because of that fear.
Being alone is so uncomfortable and frightening to some people that they will put up with almost anything to avoid it and this happens mostly to those who were left alone as children.
They often feel like being alone is a punishment or proof that they are unlovable so they need someone who could give them the attention that they think they deserve.
“Some people try to avoid being alone because it leaves them without a sense of identity — a sense of knowing who they are — or with a horrible feeling of inner chaos or inner emptiness.” — Beverly Engel
It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)
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