Gilda Given
15 Mar 2023
I just noticed that blaming doesn’t do me any good. So I give up on it :)
Trust me.
It doesn’t matter how things are or how the situation is right now, if you choose to blame — 100% nothing will ever change. It's a waste of time.
We need to learn to give no space to blaming and choose to take responsibility for the things we feel we need to blame.
And here is where I come to realize that they are things that we can control (we can change) and they are things that we cannot control (we can’t change).
And if we can change something then blaming is a total waste of time, either way, if we can’t change still blaming is a total waste of time either.
That is total proof that blaming isn’t doing any of us good, so we need to give up on it.
Instead of blaming if things are under our control — we need to choose to take responsibility and do something about it.
There is where we will surely find peace.
Also, if we can’t, we need to learn to let go of the situation and let God deal with it. If we cannot change, then there’s no need to blame. We can’t change it.
It will serve our time.
It will serve our energy.
It will store our inner peace.
Peace in any situation can be attained— not in the denial yet in the acceptance of taking responsibility or letting go but one must go.
Do. Not. Blame.
Take responsibility or let go.
There is where you will surely find peace.
Gilda Given :)
It’s my hope that you grabbed a thing today :)
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Gilda Given
A lady who chooses to embrace her own nature and devotes herself to serving, inspiring, and transforming others through writing and speaking.
More articles in Self-Growth & Mindfulness series
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