Gilda Given
24 Mar 2023
Self-accountability and self-responsibility are the true things that we need to own — those are the true power.
Yet most individuals especially (us) young individuals still give their power away.
They think it’s the government, their bosses, their parents, or where they live or come from that makes their life miserable — ouch! It’s bad luck.
Yet back, in reality, it’s the lack of self-responsibility and self-accountability in their lives that cause all that to happen. In reality…
It’s not bad luck, it’s not your grandmother or neighbors — it only happens as you think and so you have become.
If we are responsible for our lives we will always come to an understanding that life always happens for us and not to us.
That we have the power to affect life instead of letting different life situations and events affect us.
Or, it will hardly communicate that it doesn’t matter what we are facing now or what kind of life we are living now — we are the ones responsible for making things different.
We are the ones responsible to make things happen in the way we want them to.
That means we are in control of our life and once we are in control of our life — life will start to happen for us.
We will take our power back.
We will take our energy back and do something significant about it.
Truly, self-accountability and self-responsibility are the true things we should own — as those are the true power and we should stop giving our power away.
Gilda Given :)
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Gilda Given
A lady who chooses to embrace her own nature and devotes herself to serving, inspiring, and transforming others through writing and speaking.
More articles in Self-Growth & Mindfulness series
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