Teambuilding in Tanga

By anonymous on 24 May 2016Empower






The Empower training team travelled to Tanga 11th -13th May 2016 for a two night retreat with the entire UNDP Country office. The retreat was active and engaging and was intended to give the team a chance to get to know each other outside of the four walls of the office. In their own words, the core theme was 'Pamoja Tunaweza' (together we can) which definitely remained at the heart of the retreat. 

There was fun, laughter, bonding, an adventure to the infamous Amboni Caves and a very impressive talent show! Amongst all the fun there was also a lot of personal and team development that took place through 360 feedback exercises.  The Empower team were proud to be part of this team bonding process and wish the fantastic UNDP Country Office all the very best in their goals.