As human beings, whatever we do is greatly influenced by our genes, which we inherited from our parents but also the real person that exists within us, personality. The reason you put your favorite hairstyle, walking, or interacting with others is a function of our nature, and it depends on other factors such as faith, family background, and genetics.
Personality can be defined as the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual, a nation, or a group. Generally, the character is the totality of an individual's behavioral and emotional symptoms. People are different, and it's essential to understand how to interact and engage with them. If you want to deal with people in a more meaningful way, then it is vital to understand your personality type but also understanding their personality because they have a massive influence on their everyday habits.
The history of MBTI started with Carl Jung, an analytical psychologist who believed that people are either energized by the external world (extraversion) or their inner world (introversion). He also observed that people took in the information or organized the information and came up with a conclusion. Carl Jung published his book "Psychological Types" in 1921. After many years another psychologist named Myers came up with other concepts based on the research of Carl Jung. She believed that many problems involving human interactions and personal choices could be handled more successfully when people understand psychological types, this motivated her to publish the Myers-Briggs Personality type-Indicator, which is commonly known as MBTI personality types.
MBTI test doesn't measure ability, trait, or character, but it measures preference. Carl Jung and Myers believed that preferences are inborn while habits are not. For instance, someone can improve a trait (working on public speaking), but they can't change their preference (preferring to work alone than with a group). The MBTI test includes 93 questions. There are only two choices for each item, which consists of word pairs and short statements. The purpose of taking the MBTI test is to recognize your strengths and weaknesses as well as those of others. The MBTI was created in order to facilitate an understanding and appreciation of differences among human beings. MBTI test doesn't intend to criticize any personality but rather to cherish our differences and make positive use of those differences.
The test is broken into four categories based on the four factors;
The first factor is the energy level
Myers suggests that there are two types of people depending on how they draw their energy. The first type is extraversion (E), which refers to an act or state of being energized by the outside world. These people tend to enjoy socializing and tend to be more talkative ( I'm not one of them). They enjoy spending time with more people than to spend their time alone. The second group is Introversion (I). Introverts (such as me) are concerned with their inner world. Susan Cain, an author of the book "Quiet; the power of introverts in a world that never stops talking" defines introverts as people who are energized by their inner world. They are the kind of people who hang out with just a friend and enjoy much of their time alone. They do not need people to create the world for them.but they are the builders of their happiness.
The second factor is based on the focus of information.
There are also two groups which are Sensing (S) and Intuition (I). Sensing refers to processing data through the five senses. Sensing people focus on the present and prefer to learn by doing rather than thinking. They are more energized by the practical use of an objector idea rather than the theory behind it. Intuition refers to an act of being too sensitive to the theory behind things rather than the practical side of things. Intuitive people are more vulnerable to the meaning behind the information. Intuitive people are more interested in grasping different possibilities and abstract concepts. They are more focused on how the existing definition of data can affect the future.
The third factor is based on a decision-making approach
There are many theories about what affects our ability to make the right decision. In 1952, the economist Hawakins Stern described a concept called Suggestion Impulse Buying. Stern argues that the decision of customers to buy products doesn't depend on the need to have the product, but the way the product is presented to the customers. For instance, items at eye level tend to be purchased more than those down near the floor (next time you want to sell your product, make sure it is visible and attractive). There are two types of people based on this factor, which are Thinking(S) and Feelings (F). Thinking people base their decisions on hard Logic and facts. They tend to analyze the positive and negative sides of a situation before making decisions. Without a series of graphs, Logic, and statistics charts in their minds, they can't make decisions.
The other group is Feelings (F). Feeling people are more concerned with feelings. They base their decisions on principles and personal values without considering facts or Logic. When making decisions, they consider other people's feelings and take them into their accounts. The heart governs them.
The combination of those four factors results in 16 possible combinations of letters, and each combination defines the individual personality.The possible personality types are STP,ISFP,INFP,INTP,ESTP,ESFP,ENFP,ENTP,ISTJ,ISFJ,INFJ,INTJ,ESTJ,ESFJ,ENFJ and ENTJ
I am an INFJ; what about you?

Justine Massaba
Justine Massaba loves to learn, write and share various insights on areas of leadership and management. His mission is to empower companies and businesses to utilize the power of leadership in maximizing productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
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