At this point, you might be wondering; 'The right plot'? Good news, every plot is right, but the question is; does it fit your purpose? The assumption here is that you have a dream house somewhere in your mental vision, and you are on the stage of acquiring a piece of land to build it on.
Heads-up! The plot will eventually affect that dream if not properly chosen. This is how that can happen;
Imagine you have fantasized about a very spacious mansion, with surrounding balconies enjoying expanse/infinity views from mother nature, maybe with an infinity swimming pool on the patio and, say with a waterfall; you get the point.
For such a house, one has to know that; It has to sit on a big plot; buying a small plot will murder the dream, and that it has to sit on an elevated plot; more like on a hill, overlooking an expanse natural landscape; so, the plot is to likely to be located out-of-town; somewhere in the suburbs and if by mistake you buy a 'flat' plot, the dream is dead!
So, the take here is; Know the house you want; well, you can always consult an Architect and brainstorm. But, be intentional about it and get searching. Mind you, getting this wrong means a whole new different dream. Also, this is just one scenario and one aspect of the choice of the ideal site for your house. Knowing the ideal size and morphology will help you filter the ideal locations; but, there are several other variables you might need to consider. But again; now you know; the house follows the site, they should marry and complement each other, they will, regardless; so better be aware and plan.
We probably all know that all pieces of land have different properties; such as the soil on it, the weather it is exposed to, what it is neighboring, and the policies governing it. Being aware of these beforehand will avoid any future inconveniences.
What this means in other words is; know whether you like how cold or hot it is where you are buying your plot; know where the wind blows to and from; at-least know who or what will be on the next plot; how it behaves when it rains and when possible get some history of the place and get to know the city planning directions which are openly available; all this will affect the type and sizes of the house to its details like the windows, doors and even the roofs.
Maybe down the line, I will expound into each item and how to simply find the information on your site.
But, generally, most of these can be found from the survey maps and google maps; and the easiest way being, consulting an Architect from this early on stage or just what we are doing on these articles; grabbing all the tips and tricks!