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Are you mad at me God?

      (okay that’s a stupid question

      because your love is always above the roof)

But my heart is dubiously hopping

between your word and my culture,

between your promise and my fear,

My spirit craves your holiness

while my body is into perversions,

Oh! and this free-will that you gave me,

It’s freely running into temptations,

     (now let’s make a deal)

Can you just decide things for me?

Do you mind living the remainder

of my life on my behalf?

while I chill and do nothing on my own?

But I get that you’re a gentleman,

You don’t force your way into people’s hearts,

For you want me to choose You,

Just as You chose me from the start.

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Elias Kasunga
Written by

Elias Kasunga

I am a corporate lawyer specializing in contracts, company formation, company secretarial practice & governance. When not using my legal brain I write christian poems and quotes. Check out my new poetry book titled "AS I CRY OUT TO HEAVEN" currently on Amazon.

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