Justine Massaba
03 Sep 2020
It is another morning. I woke up and arranged well my bed before going to take a shower. After finishing, I had breakfast and start the journey towards my workplace. A lot of us have this everyday daily routine. How do we find ourselves into this routine? Do you know that sometimes we perform a series of activities without even knowing it? How do we form the habits we have? Our daily activities and the frequency we practice makes our habit formation. Habits are formed based on repetition. The more we repeat an action, the more it gets firm and creates powerful neurons.
James Clear, in his book called atomic habits, explains the relationship between the repetition of actions and the creation of new neurons. Your habits depend much on the extent to which we are repeating our actions over and over. The more we repeat an action, the more it becomes our strong habit. The degree of our success depends much on the habits we have. Patterns at an early age are a product of our genetic inheritance from parents, family background, religion, and the environment. No matter how smart you are, if you lack the spirit of discipline and practicing positive habits, then success won't be on your way. Filtering and analyzing your habits is essential as it helps you to understand who you are and what thoughts and practices you should create for your future success in business or your personal life. Your habits link together with your progress.
If you want to excel in any area of your life, it is essential to learn good habits and unlearn bad habits. Learning involves practicing the new good habits such as waking up early, exercising every morning, thanking your colleagues, and stop eating junk foods. You are who you are because of what you do. If you want to be someone else, then change what you do. You can't be a football player if you don't play football and also you can't be successful if you don't have successful habits. The foundation of successful habits is the frequency practice of what you want to do. On the other side, if you had a terrible foundation, you are not late because it is possible to unlearn bad habits. Let us explore the three crucial aspects of practices that link with your success.
Good habits influence emotional intelligence
There is a connection between the right practices and the degree of emotional intelligence, especially in an executive position in successful companies. Top executives must have excellent emotional intelligence skills because they are directly linked with potential customers and also have an influence on the productivity of their subordinates. While technical skills are based on the knowledge acquired from the college, emotional intelligence is practically based on your ability to understand your emotions, other people's emotions, and create a common ground between your emotions and others.
Daniel Goleman, a Harvard professor and an expert in the field of emotional intelligence believes that emotional intelligence increases with age. The link between emotional intelligence and age explains why it is important for young entrepreneurs to invest in learning soft skills at the early stages of the start-up. In his article concerning leadership in the Harvard Business Review, Goleman says, “Without it, a person can have the best training in the world, analytical mind, and an endless supply of smart ideas, but he won’t still make a great leader”
One of the reasons for the failure of many startups is not technical skills, but soft skills such as emotional intelligence. According to Goleman, the more you continue to grow, the more you earn emotional intelligence skills. In other words, emotional intelligence is maturity. Young entrepreneurs should also focus on learning good habits and link them with their technical skills for the success of their startups. Having good habits imply having excellent emotional intelligence skills and leadership skills. If you are a software developer of an innovation company, it's obvious you will have skills concerning coding, but not social skills. The difference between those who excel in their fields and those who do is not the IQ they possess, but their habits and their degree of emotional intelligence. If you want to make it in any field, then create good habits. Good hiring managers do not hire people depending on their GPA only but also on their ability to interact friendly with customers and market the company's product through their good habits.
Good habits improve your relationship with customers
Customers need excellent services and high-quality customer care. Having knowledge concerning customer care from top institutions such as Oxford, Havard, Stanford, or MIT won't make you a great sales manager or an excellent customer care service provider. You can demonstrate beyond what you studied in class. Excellent customer care is seen when you go the extra mile and use your personality, which includes your words, gestures, and body language to inspire someone to see the beauty of the product through your habits. The quality of service you provide will have an endless memory of the customer or worse experience depending on your habits. People should be able to remember your experience with them and the service you offered.

Good habits open new opportunities
It is the law of Karma. What you do to others will also come back to you. Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Group, in his book, "Just Do It", explains the importance of having good habits and conduct fair deals in the business. After being held in prison for corrupt dealings in business, Richard acknowledged that bad habits have no power in influencing your market but is an excellent ingredient in destroying your business and your brand. When you have a great personality and goof habits, you will attract many opportunities and create a powerful personal brand. Social media have changed the way people interact and connect. The use of social media has allowed many people to excel in their careers and life. Nowadays, big companies require to know your Facebook account or Twitter account to see how you interact with others through your photos, posts, and comments. Companies believe in the fact; social media accounts have a high power to tell what kind of person you are. You may miss business opportunities or employment opportunities because of your bad habits when using social media. The way you behave is not only seen when you meet with people but also on what you say, post, or share on social media.

Justine Massaba
Justine Massaba loves to learn, write and share various insights on areas of leadership and management. His mission is to empower companies and businesses to utilize the power of leadership in maximizing productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
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