Upendo Minja
21 Apr 2023
In today’s world, resilience is no longer a nice-to-have skill—it's an essential one. Everyone is talking about the power of resilience, from CEOs to inspirational leaders. But what does resilience mean? How do you build resilience?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, resilience is "the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness." My resilience comes from the WHY I started. The WHY is your personal goal that fuels you and gets you back in the driving seat.
Building resilience is not a one-time event—it's a lifelong journey. This article will explore some of the best resilience strategies I’ve learnt from Lucy Hone. These strategies can help you build the resilience you need to overcome adversity. Whether you’re dealing with major life transitions, stress, or stressful situations, these tips will help you harness your inner strength. So, let’s take the first step on your journey to resilience today.
1. Acceptance
The first strategy is all about acceptance. It's essential to accept that bad things happen, and sometimes life can be tough. However, it's important to remember that the world isn't against you. That this is a normal part of the human experience. We all face challenges and struggles at some point in our lives.
Acceptance will help you ride the waves of life, understanding that you will have high seasons and low seasons. When in your high season, enjoy it to the fullest. When you’re in a low season, remember that this too, shall pass.
Acceptance is about recognising that sometimes things won’t go your way, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep moving forward. Take the challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow. This helps you become stronger and more resilient in the process.
2. Focusing on What You Have Control.
The second strategy involves choosing where to focus your energy and attention. Rather than trying to change external factors beyond your control, focus on internal ones you can control.
In our fast-paced world, we find ourselves getting caught up in stressful situations. Many of us have experienced the feeling of the world closing in on us. I have been here many times; however, I have learnt that taking a step back and assessing the situation helps you gain a new perspective. Do I really have the power to change the situation or the outcome? If not, let it go.
There are many external factors that you simply can’t change, whether it’s an illness or even a global pandemic. Learning to accept that this is beyond you helps you give yourself grace.
3. Intentionality
The third strategy is all about intentionality. I always connect everything to ‘WHY I started. This helps you stay grounded and focused on your goals. This is moving with intentions. It will keep you motivated and inspire you when things get tough.
So how do you become intentional, you ask yourself, is what I am doing helping or harming my ‘WHY’ I started? For example, if you're fixating on adversity or negative thoughts, is that helping you achieve your goal, or is it hindering your progress? This is checking in on yourself and creating time and space to reflect.
Another way is by working on your mindset. This will help you in ensuring your thoughts and actions are aligned. This is easier said than done; it’s a journey I am still working on.
Now these strategies won’t take away the pain but will help you cope better. This is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and constant effort. I am still on my journey every day.
It’s okay that some days you don’t have it in you. You feel overwhelmed or defeated. On these days, it is okay to give yourself a break and try again tomorrow. You can’t be perfect; it’s about learning to pick yourself up and moving forward. Celebrate the small victories and the progress you make.

Upendo Minja
Dedicated to self-growth. My goal here is to spread positivity and to remind you to give yourself grace. Welcome on board.
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